Le vocabulaire santé en anglais

Découvrez le vocabulaire essentiel de la santé en anglais avec cette fiche pratique. Téléchargez-la dès maintenant pour avoir accès à des termes clés et des exemples qui enrichiront vos compétences linguistiques dans le domaine médical !

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Utilisez cette fiche pour enrichir votre vocabulaire médical, améliorer la communication dans un contexte de santé, et accroître votre compréhension des termes médicaux en anglais.

30 termes par catégories sur la santé en anglais

Personnel Médical :

  • Doctor (Médecin): Prononciation: /ˈdɑːk.tɚ/;

Exemple: “The doctor prescribed some medication.”

  • Nurse (Infirmière/Infirmier): Prononciation: /nɜːrs/;

Exemple: “The nurse checked the patient’s blood pressure.”

  • Surgeon (Chirurgien): Prononciation: /ˈsɝː.dʒən/;

Exemple: “The surgeon operated on her heart.”

  • Pediatrician (Pédiatre): Prononciation: /ˌpiː.diː.əˈtrɪʃ.ən/;

Exemple: “A pediatrician specializes in children’s health.”

  • Dentist (Dentiste): Prononciation: /ˈden.tɪst/;

Exemple: “I have an appointment with the dentist on Tuesday.”

Traitements et Médicaments:

  • Medication/Medicine (Médicament): Prononciation: /ˌmed.ɪˈkeɪ.ʃən/;

Exemple: “He takes his medication three times a day.”

  • Surgery (Chirurgie): Prononciation: /ˈsɝː.dʒɚ.i/;

Exemple: “She had surgery on her knee.”

  • Prescription (Ordonnance): Prononciation: /prɪˈskrɪp.ʃən/;

Exemple: “You need a prescription to buy this medicine.”

  • Antibiotic (Antibiotique): Prononciation: /ˌæn.tɪ.baɪˈɑːt.ɪk/;

Exemple: “The doctor prescribed an antibiotic for the infection.”

  • Vaccine (Vaccin): Prononciation: /vækˈsiːn/;

Exemple: “The flu vaccine is administered annually.”

    Symptômes et Diagnostics:

    • Symptom (Symptôme): Prononciation: /ˈsɪmp.təm/;

    Exemple: “Fever and cough are symptoms of the flu.”

    • Diagnosis (Diagnostic): Prononciation: /ˌdaɪ.əɡˈnoʊ.sɪs/;

    Exemple: “The diagnosis revealed he has diabetes.”

    • Blood Test (Analyse de Sang): Prononciation: /blʌd test/;

    Exemple: “The blood test confirmed his cholesterol levels.”

    • X-ray (Radiographie): Prononciation: /ˈeks.reɪ/;

    Exemple: “The X-ray showed a fracture in his arm.”

    • Fever (Fièvre): Prononciation: /ˈfiː.vɚ/;

    Exemple: “A high fever may be a sign of infection.”


    • First Aid (Premiers Soins): Prononciation: /fɝːst eɪd/;

    Exemple: “She took a first aid course to be prepared for emergencies.”

    • Critical Condition (État Critique): Prononciation: /ˈkrɪt.ɪ.kəl kənˈdɪʃ.ən/;

    Exemple: “The patient is in critical condition and needs immediate attention.”

    • Emergency (Urgence): Prononciation: /ɪˈmɝː.dʒən.si/;

    Exemple: “Call an ambulance, this is an emergency!”

    • Life Support (Assistance Respiratoire): Prononciation: /laɪf səˈpɔːrt/;

    Exemple: “She is on life support after the severe injury.”

    • Ambulance (Ambulance): Prononciation: /ˈæm.bjə.ləns/;

    Exemple: “Call an ambulance, he’s having chest pain!”

    Santé Mentale:

    • Counseling (Conseil/Thérapie): Prononciation: /ˈkaʊn.səl.ɪŋ/;

    Exemple: “Counseling can help people cope with traumatic experiences.”

    • Depression (Dépression): Prononciation: /dɪˈpreʃ.ən/;

    Exemple: “He has been dealing with depression for several years.”

    • Mental Health (Santé Mentale): Prononciation: /ˈmen.t̬əl helθ/;

    Exemple: “Taking care of your mental health is essential.”

    • Recovery (Récupération/Guérison): Prononciation: /rɪˈkʌv.ɚ.i/;

    Exemple: “He is in recovery after a period of mental illness.”

    • Anxiety (Anxiété): Prononciation: /æŋˈzaɪ.ə.ti/;

    Exemple: “Anxiety can cause physical symptoms like headaches.”

    Équipement Médical:

    • Stethoscope (Stéthoscope): Prononciation: /ˈsteth.əˌskoʊp/;

    Exemple: “The doctor used a stethoscope to listen to his heartbeat.”

    • Syringe (Seringue): Prononciation: /sɪˈrɪndʒ/;

    Exemple: “The nurse prepared a syringe for the injection.”

    • Defibrillator (Défibrillateur): Prononciation: /dɪˈfɪb.rɪˌleɪ.tɚ/;

    Exemple: “The defibrillator was used to restore the patient’s normal heart rhythm.”

    • Ultrasound Machine (Appareil d’Échographie): Prononciation: /ˈʌl.trəˌsaʊnd məˈʃiːn/;

    Exemple: “The ultrasound machine helps in visualizing internal body structures.”

    • Wheelchair (Fauteuil Roulant): Prononciation: /ˈwilˌtʃer/;

    Exemple: “The hospital provided a wheelchair for the patient with a broken leg.”

    Exercice texte à trous pour vous entraîner avec le vocabulaire santé anglais

    Complétez le texte avec le vocabulaire appropriés :

    ‘migraines’,’stethoscope’,’emergency room’, ‘vaccine’,’defibrillator’, ‘pharmacist’, ‘antibiotic’, ‘wheelchair’,’depression’,’life support’,’allergy’, ‘blood test’.


    1. When she had a severe __________, she was rushed to the __________.
    2. The __________ prescribed her an __________ to treat the bacterial infection.
    3. Due to the severe injury, she was put on __________ in the hospital.
    4. His __________ confirmed that he needed to manage his diet better to control cholesterol.
    5. She regularly suffers from __________, which sometimes lead to visual and sensory disturbances.
    6. The doctor used a __________ to check her lungs for any abnormal sounds.
    7. During the annual flu season, it is advised to take the flu __________.
    8. The __________ is used to restore a normal heartbeat in patients with irregular heart rhythms.
    9. Post-surgery, he had to use a __________ to move around until his leg healed completely.
    10. She is dealing with __________ and visits her therapist every week for counseling.

    Advice from Business Class trainers:

    “Apprendre le vocabulaire de la santé en anglais nécessite de la pratique et de la contextualisation. Ne vous contentez pas de mémoriser les mots et leurs traductions ; essayez de les comprendre dans un contexte réel. Engagez-vous dans des lectures spécialisées, regardez des vidéos médicales.

    La clé est de connecter ces termes avec des situations concrètes et de les utiliser activement, ce qui rendra votre apprentissage plus durable et efficace.”

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